Maintenance advice for scaffolding wooden garden furniture

Nowadays they can be found in almost every garden, the scaffolding wood furniture. But how do you best maintain this furniture?
In this blog we explain to you what you can best do to ensure that your scaffolding wood furniture for the garden has the longest possible lifespan.
Scaffolding wood furniture comes in all shapes and sizes, from beautiful garden tables made of scaffolding wood to spacious lounge sofas made of scaffolding wood. There are many different opinions about how best to maintain garden furniture made of scaffolding wood. In this blog we advise you based on our years of experience with scaffolding wood furniture.
You can leave the scaffolding wood garden furniture outside all year round. It is important that the sun and wind can reach the furniture easily. Although it sometimes seems different, there is no precipitation in the Netherlands approximately 93% of the time, so the wood can dry and work naturally. Even in winter, it is better not to cover the furniture with a tarpaulin or the like, as this often creates a very humid mini climate, which means that the furniture remains moister than if you did not cover it. It is also advisable not to place the furniture on a damp surface, but on a surface that can dry properly. You can also place extra pieces of plastic under the legs.
If your scaffolding wood furniture has been treated with a stain or exterior varnish, it is advisable to maintain this every other year. This ensures that your furniture continues to look nice and sleek and will extend its lifespan.
Also read our blog post: Custom corner sofa made of scaffolding wood
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