DroomHout in the press

DreamWood in Life!
This interesting, entertaining and, above all, beautiful glossy is written for everyone who loves the Utrecht region. The magazine is full of fun articles about living, culture, local business and going out. This Green Special highlights a number of special entrepreneurs and initiatives from the valuable Maarschalkerweerd area.
DreamWood in the spotlight
The Maarschalkerweerd area is located on the east side of Utrecht. The area is the ecological and cultural-historical core of Utrecht. The DroomHout design studio and factory are also located in the Maarschalkerweerd area, just outside Lunetten and on the other side you will find Amelisweerd. A beautiful and green environment that is perfectly accessible.
Bestseller Montecastelli lounge set
One of DroomHout's bestsellers is the Montecastelli lounge set. This favorite is beautifully presented in the magazine. Would you like to get such a lounge set or lounge sofa yourself? Then view the offer here .
Do you want the nice glossy Leven! Magazine in the Utrecht region? Then come and score a copy in the design studio from DroomHout.
Also read our blog post: Dreamwood at the residential fair
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